

The purpose of Føroya Sjómannadagur is to maintain interest in the fishing industry at sea and on land, as well as open up interest in everything that has to do with the sea.

This is organized in a pleasant, rewarding and alcohol-free way, so that families and people of all age groups can benefit from this recurring event.

All events, food and other things that Føroya Sjómannadagur offers are free.

This is possible with the goodwill of companies, ships, associations, private individuals and sponsors from all over the Faroe Islands

The board of Føroya Sjómannadag

Eyðstein Poulsen, chairman, Rannvá Isaksen, Ivan Isaksen, Jóhann Lützen og Jógvan Skorheim.

According to the statutes of Føroya Sjómannadag, board work is unpaid.

Main sponsors

Klaksvíkar Kommuna
Norðoya Sparikassi
Fiskivinnu- og samferðslumálaráðið